Monday, August 22, 2011

I declare war as far as it concerns my personal stuff

For attention:  All former Hijackers and Thieves 

You can not
blame me

if you try
to steal the car
and you die
on the spot

like Thabo.  

So please
arrange with me
beforehand to be
around in order to

prevent the spreading
of deadly gasses
upon entering. 

Remind me to take
out the snake
unless you
know its name. 

I did this for the
protection of
my own car

and to save
the SAPS time
for coming
out to crime
scenes as they
are always
short of vehicles;
and because

you guys know
how to bypass
Tracker and Netstar.
NS:  See you
          in heaven
          unless you
          know the pin
          code of the
          system and

          forgive me
          for protecting
          myself against
          a being

          like you.

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